What are the most common injections?-1
 2024/01/10 | View:708

Injections are classified in multiple ways, including the type of tissue being injected into, the location in the body the injection is designed to produce effects, and the duration of the effects.They are several common types:

Intramuscular Injection

Intramuscular injection,abbreviated as IM, delivers medications quickly into a person’s muscle tissue and can be employed for vaccines, antibiotics, or hormones.It administered at a 90° angle.The best location for these shots is in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock area, with care taken to ensure proper injection technique so that there will not be any issues with nerve damage. 

IM injections are commonly used for vaccines, certain antibiotics, and medications requiring a sustained release into the body.

Subcutaneous Injection

Subcutaneous injection, abbreviated as SC or sub-Q,  commonly provide medication under the skin’s surface, in the fatty layer. It i administered between 45° and 90° angles.Absorption of the medicine from this tissue is slower than in an intramuscular injection. Since the needle does not need to penetrate to the level of the muscle, a thin and short needle can be used. 

They’re frequently employed for delivering insulin and other blood thinners like heparin into parts of the body tissue, either the lower abdomen or thighs. 


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Changzhou Medical Appliances General Factory Co., Ltd. was built in 1988, it is a modern factory specialized in producing the disposable medical appliances in China. The factory is only 1km to Hengshan entrance of Huning high-speed road and is about 20 miles to Changzhou airport. So the traffic is convenience.
A área da fábrica é 40000㎡, a área da oficina de purificação é 7000m, e os ativos fixos são cerca de 5.000.000USD. Nossos principais produtos são conjuntos de infusão descartáveis, conjuntos de transfusão de sangue descartáveis, conjuntos de seringa estéril descartáveis, luva de látex, conjunto de infusão descartável, máscara de oxigênio simples, máscara de nebulizador, copo de urina, malha de hérnia, saco de urina etc. Agora podemos fabricar mais de 200.000.000 conjuntos por ano.

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