Disposable syringe manufacturer explains how to use disposable syringe
 2022/09/19 | View:481

Speaking of disposable syringes, in general, the disposable syringe manufacturer is made of plastic polypropylene and polyethylene. The disposable syringe consists of a core rod, a piston, a jacket, and a syringe needle, which are sterilized with Oxirane, disposable syringe has many specifications: 1 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml, 60 ml.

Disposable syringe manufacturer

Disposable syringe manufacturer explains disposable syringe has dynamic performance, body-fitting, residual capacity, extractable metal content, ph, oxirane, residual amount, hemolysis, aseptic, pyrogen-free, etc., the utility model is mainly suitable for suction liquid or injection liquid. For the use of the disposable syringe, the product is only suitable for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, as well as for intravenous blood tests and so on, and is used by medical personnel, except for other uses, or is strictly prohibited for non-medical personnel. Disposable syringe method of use: first, tear open the package bag and take out the syringe inside. Then, remove the protective cover of the syringe, pull the core rod back and forth to eastern China, tighten the syringe, and then pump the liquid into the syringe, push the needle upward, slowly pushing the core up to expel air, and then inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Disposable syringe manufacturer disposable syringe is a “Disposable product”, so it is not to be reused. It must be destroyed after use, and the product is sterilized by Oxirane, so must be used within the year of failure, if you see a package damaged, the sheath of the case is prohibited to use, and the product will be scrapped after treatment.

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Changzhou Medical Appliances General Factory Co., Ltd. foi construído em 1988, é uma fábrica moderna especializada na produção de aparelhos médicos descartáveis na China. A fábrica é de apenas 1km para a entrada de Hengshan da estrada de alta velocidade Huning e é de cerca de 20 milhas para o aeroporto de Changzhou. Então o trânsito é conveniência.
A área da fábrica é de 40000㎡, a área da oficina de purificação é de 7000m, e os ativos fixos são de cerca de 5.000.000USD. Nossos principais produtos são conjuntos de infusão descartáveis, conjuntos de transfusão de sangue descartáveis, conjuntos de seringas estéreis descartáveis, luva de látex, conjunto de infusão descartável, máscara de oxigênio simples, máscara nebulizador, copo de urina, malha de hérnia, saco de urina etc Agora podemos fabricar mais de 200.000.000 conjuntos por ano.

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