What is usual needle size for syringe?
 2024/03/13 | View:493

There are different sizes needle for different syringes,as different sizes of syringe have different usages,the needle also different.

1mL syringes are commonly used for diabetic and tuberculin medication, as well as intradermal injections. The tuberculin syringes have greater than half inches of needle length and have needle gauge between 26G and 27G. We can use 1 mL syringes with needle gauge size between 25G and 26G as an intradermal injection.

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2ml-3ml Syringe is the most commonly used size of syringe across all hospitals and clinics. It is used to administer drugs, medication, anesthesia, etc. 

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These syringes are used for intramuscular injections or only the injections that are given directly into the muscles. Intramuscular injections should be given at an angle of 90 degrees, and the gauge size of the needle should be between 22G and 23G.

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